How to add new user on vmware portal


Hi There , if you do not know how to add new user on VMware portal please follow this tutorial :

To add users to a folder:
1.    Log in to My VMware.
2.    Select Users and Permissions from the Quick Links menu.
3.    Click the By Folder tab or the By User tab.
4.    If you are on the:

# By Folder tab, select a folder, then perform one of these options:
-       Click the Actions arrow and click Add User.
-       Click the arrow next to the folder name and click Add User.
Right-click the folder and click Add User.
# By User tab, select a user, select a folder, then perform one of these options:
-       Click the arrow next to the folder name and click Add User.
-       Right-click the folder and click Add User.
5.    Enter the email address and name of the user you want to add to the folder and click Add.
Users who are not associated with the account will receive an email invitation to join the account. New users must accept the invitation and create a My VMware profile if they do not already have one. If you enter an incorrect email address, click the delete button to remove the user, then repeat step 5.

6.    Repeat steps 4 and 5 for any additional users. When done adding users, click Continue.

Note: You can add a maximum of 50 users at one time.

7.    Select the folders to which you want to add the user(s).
8.    Set the permissions for the user(s). For more information about permissions, see See here for more details.
9.    Click Continue.
10.  Click Confirm.

Removing yourself from an account
Note: If you are the Super User or Procurement Contact, you have to reassign your role before you can remove yourself. For more information, see Changing the Super User or Procurement Contact in Super Users and Procurement Contacts in My VMware
To remove yourself from an account:
1.    Log in to My VMware.
2.    Select Account Summary from the Quick Links menu.
3.    Select the account from which you want to remove yourself.
4. Click the Actions menu and select Remove Account: