How to set up Bind DNS Server on Windows


Install Bind Software
1. Download the lastest version of bind DNS server at
2. Unzip all the files into any folder
3. Run BINDInstall, located in the folder where you extracted the zip files
4. During the install process:

o    Enter "c:\bind" (without quotes) as a target directory.
o    Enter "bind" (without quotes) as a service account name and enter password for the service.
o    Check "Automatic Startup".
o    Check "Keep Config Files".
o    Click "Install".

*Ok, so at this point you have Bind Software installed, let's have it configured.

Configure Bind DNS Server
1. Create directory "c:\bind\zones"
2. Download named.conf.txt and and save them as follows:

- "c:\bind\etc\named.conf.txt"
a) Rename "named.conf.txt" to "named.conf"
b) Open named.conf in a text editor and replace all instances of "" with your domain name

- "c:\bind\zones\"
a) Open "" in a text editor and replace all instances of "" with your domain name
b) Replace all instances of "IP.ADD.RE.SS" with your actual IP Address and Save file
c) Rename "" to your domain name with an extension ".txt" at the end

3. Open Command Prompt (cmd.exe) and enter the following 3 commands:
cd c:\bind\bin
rndc-confgen -a

4. Open "c:\bind\etc\rndc.key" in a text editor and copy the key "rndc-key" section of the file to clipboard

5. Open "c:\bind\etc\named.conf" in a text editor and paste the key "rndc-key" section between "options" and "zone" sections
To reload changes that you've made, open Command Prompt and enter the following 2 commands:
cd c:\bind\bin
rndc reload
Every time you make changes to your configuration or zone files, you have to reload the server by issued the two commands above.

You can ensure that your DNS server is working properly by using our DNS Lookup Tool 

If you changed nameserver hostnames that are registered with your registrar, please allow several hours for DNS changes to propagate.

ISC Bind Troubleshooting

1. If your ISC Bind service doesn't start under Administrative Tools -> Services, try changing the user to "Local System" and try again.

2. If Bind doesn't start, check the Security Settings of the c:\bind directory to make sure it has the account that Bind runs under listed.

3. If Bind started but the website is not working, your firewall might be blocking it. Start Windows Firewall with advanced security and add Incoming Rule UDP port 53.

ref: link